Am I a family caregiver?
- You are if you think you are
- You are if you are concerned about a loved one, want to understand what might be going on with that loved one and find ways to help that loved one
- You are if you are responsible for the safety and well-being of a loved one. Then you need to have information and make plans on how to fulfill your responsibilities.
- It’s about love
Why am I even on this site?
- You are checking out eFamilyCare because you are looking for some guidance taking care of a loved one who needs assistance. You’ve been to a lot of sites and are wondering what’s the difference between them?
The eFamilyCare Difference
- Our mission is to help family caregivers perform their caregiving roles so that the loved one experiences better health and well being and the caregiver gains mastery over a complex process and feels satisfaction in accomplishment.
- No cookie cutter approach. We tailor our responses, suggestions, guidance, and education to each family caregiver’s unique story.
- We operate in real time. Our standard is to respond to caregiver message within two hours Mon-Fri between 8 am and 8 pm and within 12 hours on week-ends.
- We work on the caregiving issues you bring; and we educate you about the ‘Big Picture’, the aging process: what it includes, what to expect, how to prepare.
Why should I work with eFamilyCare
- You aren’t sure of all the information you need to make good care decisions and you want someone who can inform, suggest, educate and discuss with you so you do the best job possible
- You don’t have time to waste. You may have a job; you may be taking care of others. You want to use the time you have as efficiently as possible. You don’t want to be searching the internet looking for answers or ideas that may or may not apply to your situation and then trying to figure it out. You want to get solutions without wasting time, energy, and with a minimum of trial and error
- Taking care of someone is a big job. Things change with your loved one’s situation and with yours and that will change your caregiving strategies. You want to work with a professional care adviser who will be with you for the long haul— help you anticipate and respond to these changes so your care goals are met. Caregiving isn’t a one shot approach. It occurs over time.
- You are comfortable interacting online.
What else is in it for me to work with eFamilyCare?
- Caregiving is not only hard, it’s lonely. Maybe you never thought you would be in this position; maybe you welcome the challenge; maybe not. Now you have a Care Adviser to accompany you through this process. You will feel more grounded and confident in knowing someone has your back. You will feel less like you are dangling in mid-air hoping that what you do works.
What’s in it for my loved one
- We focus on you the caregiver. Your loved one reaps the benefit of your increased knowledge and confidence. We help you devise a care approach; your loved one gets a more stable life, better health. Maybe you and your loved one will enjoy a more satisfactory relationship because a lot of the friction caused by ineffective care approaches will be resolved.
Now that you have an idea of why you are on this site, and what eFamilyCare has to offer, let’s review the nuts and bolts of how it works
What is a Care Adviser?
- A Care Adviser is a professional with healthcare education and background who is experienced in elder care and in complex health issues
How will I work with a Care Adviser?
- You will be assigned to a Care Adviser who is dedicated to you. The Care Adviser will get to know you and your care challenges and will stick with you as you develop the knowledge and carry out care plans that will bring success.
Will I have the same Care Adviser?
- Yes, you will have the same Care Adviser. If, for some reason, your Care Adviser will be unavailable, the Care Adviser will let you know and a covering Care Adviser will be available.
Can other people participate with me in working with my Care Adviser
- You can invite them to join your Care Crew and they can participate in the interchanges
How will my Care Adviser respond if my loved one has an emergency?
- If you write your Care Adviser that your loved one has an emergency, then the advice is: “Call 911 immediately.”
- eFamilyCare does not provide direct emergency services; our job is to help you plan for emergencies which inevitably come up. Through thoughtful care planning some emergencies may even be avoided.
Will my Care Adviser give medical, legal, or financial advice?
- eFamilyCare Advisers do not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe treatment. We will give information and advice how to navigate the healthcare system, obtain the clinical information you need, and deal with the medical situation so that you and your loved one have better outcomes.
- eFamilyCare Advisers do not give legal opinions or financial advice. Your Care Adviser will help you choose the best resources to get these questions answered and then carry out an approach you have chosen with those resources.
What if I want to have a voice-to-voice or even face-to-face conversation with my Care Adviser?
- For an additional fee, you can set up a video conference with your Care Adviser